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News and developments of fruit and vegetable powder food ingredients

Natural fruit and vegetable powder comes from food ingredient manufacturer KangMed

Jujube: A nutritious product with a thousand-year history of cultivation

  • Offer: 18
  • Added: 9/12/2024 2:00:05 AM
Jujube, also known as red dates, dried dates or dates, has a long history and has been planted in China for more than 8,000 years. It has always been revered as one of the "five fruits" (chestnuts, peaches, plums, apricots, and dates), and is rich in a variety of nutrients, including protein, fat, carbohydrates, carotene, B vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin P, as well as calcium, phosphorus, iron and cyclic adenosine monophosphate. Among them, the content of vitamin C ranks among the best in fruits, and it is known as the "vitamin king" and has the effect of nourishing blood and nourishing the skin.

1. Nutritional value

Jujube is known as the "king of fruits". It is rich in nutritional value and contains a variety of vitamins and amino acids necessary for the human body. Among them, the content of vitamin A, B vitamins and vitamin C is particularly prominent. Its vitamin C content is as high as 70-80 times that of grapes and apples, and its vitamin P content is also very high. These two vitamins have significant effects on preventing cancer and preventing hypertension and hyperlipidemia. For female friends, jujube has special effects on nourishing blood, calming the nerves and beautifying. Drinking 3-5 jujubes soaked in water every day can effectively maintain skin color and delay aging.

2. Edible effects

Anti-cancer and cancer prevention: Jujubes can improve human immunity, inhibit the growth of cancer cells, and at the same time reduce serum cholesterol, increase serum albumin, and protect the liver.
Lowering blood pressure and cholesterol: The special ingredients of jujubes help lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels, which is very beneficial for maintaining cardiovascular health.
Protecting the liver: Jujubes can not only protect the liver, but also enhance physical strength and have a good effect on fatigue recovery.
Preventing osteoporosis: Jujubes are rich in various minerals and play an important role in preventing and treating osteoporosis and anemia.

3. Applicable people

Jujubes are rich in nutrients and can be eaten by most people. Especially suitable for middle-aged and elderly people, women and people who need to supplement nutrition.

4. Taboo people

Although jujubes are rich in nutrients, they are not suitable for everyone. People with excessive dampness or abdominal distension should avoid eating it; people with chronic diseases, food accumulation, constipation, spleen and stomach deficiency and cold should not eat it too much; patients with worms, tooth decay, toothache, and phlegm and heat cough should not eat it.

In general, jujube is a nutritious fruit with many health benefits. However, you should pay attention to your personal constitution when eating it, and eat it in moderation to achieve its best health care effect.

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