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News and developments of fruit and vegetable powder food ingredients

Natural fruit and vegetable powder comes from food ingredient manufacturer KangMed

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Fruit & Vegetable Powder - KangMed Food Ingredients

Current page 1 / 5 pages in total, 41 records in total, 10 records per page.

  • Pumpkin powder water soluble video

    Pumpkin powder water soluble video

    • Offer: 197
    • Added: 12/26/2023 11:06:20 AM

    Test the solubility of pumpkin powder in cold water

  • Vitafoods Asia 2023 Thailand

    Vitafoods Asia 2023 Thailand

    • Offer: 1276
    • Added: 9/24/2023 7:32:05 PM

    Nanjing Kang Med Tech Co., Ltd. was invited to participate in the exhibition, demonstrating ingredient solutions tailored for the food industry, consolidating existing cooperative relationships, and discovering a large number of potential customers, laying the foundation for market development.

  • The nutritional value and efficacy of blueberries

    The nutritional value and efficacy of blueberries

    • Offer: 1393
    • Added: 3/26/2023 8:43:25 PM

    Blueberries are berry fruits, which are durable and have rich nutritional value. At the same time, they have many outstanding effects. Blueberries have always been popular in Europe and America because of their extremely high antioxidant activity and rich in nutrients. Blueberries are also known as the "Queen of Fruits" and "King of Berries".

  • Passion fruit nutritional value

    Passion fruit nutritional value

    • Offer: 1165
    • Added: 3/26/2023 8:37:33 PM

    Passion fruit, commonly known as "Brazilian fruit", is native to Brazil and belongs to the passionflower family. Because its juice is rich in nutrients and has a particularly fragrant smell, it can be exuded as a "passion fruit" because of the rich aroma of banana, pineapple, lemon, strawberry, peach, pomegranate and other fruits.

  • Nutritional composition of wheat seedling juice

    Nutritional composition of wheat seedling juice

    • Offer: 1691
    • Added: 3/26/2023 8:33:27 PM

    Wheat seedling juice has a very good help for human health. The nutritional value contained in it is very high, not only has active enzymes, but also minerals or vitamins, chlorophyll, liquid fiber and essential amino acids Substances are very helpful for promoting blood circulation.

  • The nutritional value of sweet potatoes

    The nutritional value of sweet potatoes

    • Offer: 1525
    • Added: 3/23/2023 8:53:27 PM

    Sweet potatoes are rich in starch, dietary fiber, carotene, vitamins A, B, C, E and more than 10 trace elements such as potassium, iron, copper, selenium, calcium and linoleic acid. The family called it the most balanced health food.

  • The efficacy and role of raspberries

    The efficacy and role of raspberries

    • Offer: 1051
    • Added: 3/23/2023 8:51:44 PM

    Raspberry, also known as raspberry, is a plant in the family Rosaceae. The fruit is an aggregate fruit made of many drupes. The fruit has a pleasant fragrance and a unique taste. Therefore, it can be eaten as fruit. In addition, he has many functions and effects.

  • The efficacy and role of broccoli

    The efficacy and role of broccoli

    • Offer: 1029
    • Added: 3/23/2023 8:49:14 PM

    Broccoli is not only a vegetable with a relatively fresh and unique taste, but broccoli is also a very pharmacological vegetable. Eating broccoli is very helpful to our health and can bring many effects and effects.

  • The nutrition and efficacy of blackcurrant

    The nutrition and efficacy of blackcurrant

    • Offer: 1454
    • Added: 3/23/2023 3:33:25 PM

    Black currant, also known as dry grapes, belongs to a shrub plant. Most of them are distributed in Heilongjiang, Inner Mongolia and some areas of Xinjiang. The nutritional value of black currant is very rich and there are many ways to eat. Some drinks etc.

  • What are the benefits of eating mangoes regularly?

    What are the benefits of eating mangoes regularly?

    • Offer: 1510
    • Added: 3/21/2023 2:26:37 PM

    Mango is a fruit that everyone likes to eat. It has a good taste, juicy, and thick meat. Many people like to eat the sweet taste of mango. And if you eat mango often, you can also add rich vitamins and more fiber, which can have a laxative effect.

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